World Art Day: 'Live your Art. Don't think about it' (Bill Viola)

WAD 2024

  • WAD in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2024

Bosnia and Herzegovina had a program marking the World Art Day in Sarajevo, in the Skenderija Olympic Center, 15 -22 April 2024. There was a press conference on the occasion of World Art Day in the International peace center, the Sarajevo Winter Festival and the Sarajevo Book Fair.


  • WAD in Iceland 2024

World Art Day is celebrated each year, on 15 April, to promote the development, diffusion and enjoyment of art. Art nurtures creativity, innovation and cultural diversity for all people across the globe and plays an important role in sharing knowledge and encouraging curiosity and dialogue.

On the occasion of World Art Day 2024, SÍM - The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists, shine a light on arts education in schools, and how culture can pave the way for inclusive and equitable education.Students at the School of General Academic Studies at Tækniskólinn, have created artworks inspired by UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goals, for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.

The students' projects will be presented on SÍM'swebsite and social media:


  • WAD in India 2024

Find more pictures through this link.


  • WAD in Italy 2024

We had a celebration of WAD with the exhibition HUMAN CROSSING in the Bell of Peace, the world's biggest swinging bell in Italy. We also are inviting other organizations in Italy to participate, by publishing on the social media and by mailing to our associated. We will publish on our website:


  • WAD in Turkey 2024

Turkey announced their World Art Day with this statement:


With the belief that art is everywhere and that there is a hidden power in everything, we invite you to UPSD Maçka gallery this year on April 15, World Art Day. The exhibition featured in this year's celebration is much more than just an exhibition. With 'BREAKING POINT: AN ACADEMIC HERITAGE NARRATIVE IN THE TRAILS OF ART', we share a deep story that represents the breaks and changes we experience, using the universal language of art. Location: International Plastic Arts Association (UPSD) Gallery Date: 15.04.2024 Time: 18.30-21.00.

We believe that we, as artists and academics, must be aware of these silent fractures and changes. While this awareness we create through art expresses our desire to exist for many years, it also emphasizes the importance of art and art education in our society. To emphasize the importance of art and art education in social and individual life, to celebrate April 15 World Art Day by drawing attention to the transformative power of art and our academic heritage, with the hope of reversing the decision regarding Anadolu University Fine Arts Education Department, to experience the magic of art together. We would be very happy to see you among us.

Please share this invitation with your friends who care about art and culture. Let's come together on this special day and unite in the universal language of art. We wish you days full of art. International Plastic Arts Association (UPSD)."


  • WAD in the United States 2024

Los Angeles

Press release | video

Gloria Delson Gallery,

New Mexico

Please visit:

New York

Please read the report [PDF]


Find pictures and text about WAD in Hawaii through this link.


WAD 2023

  • WAD in Chile 2023

Large flyer


  • WAD in India 2023
  • WAD in Japan 2023

Picture (larger) | event document | poster


  • WAD in Latvia 2023

Find more pictures through this link.


  • WAD in Mexico and Latin America 2023

World Art Day 2023 Virtual Magazine, click here [Spanish]


  • WAD in Panama 2023

Photo report | movie


WAD 2022

  • World Art Day 'ART AND WAR' Zoom meeting


  • WAD in French Polynesia 2022

  • WAD in Turkey 2022

Read the report through this link [PDF]


WAD 2021, watch video from the president, Bedri Baykam.


  • WAD in India 2021

Read the report through this link [PDF]


  • WAD in Mexico 2021


Taking into account the health situation, the National Committees of IAA / IAA in Latin America decided to present a virtual exhibition on the theme of 'Sublime Influencia'. This exhibition was broadcast on the Committees' social networks, as well as on Youtube, on April 15, 2021

View the catalogue through this link [PDF]


  • WAD in Tahiti 2021

LES PEUPLES DE L’EAU, April 2021. France/Tahiti and the Pacific islands.

Artists can still apply for this event!

Invitation | rules [French] | press 1 | press 2 | press 3 | press 4 | press 5



WAD 2020, video:




2020 AIAP/IAA participation to the UNESCO ResiliArt movement
On April 15 2020, World Art Day, UNESCO launched a global movement, ResiliArt, with an inaugural debate in partnership with the CISAC, and with the collaboration of the Art Newspaper (French Edition). This movement was created to help the artists during this Covid 19 crisis by the creation of mechanisms able to support their creativity and their economical conditions.
Inside this movement, a debate was made possible, having the WAD presentation as subject, between the AIAP/IAA President, the UNESCO Club in Genova, and the President of AIAP/IAA India.

Report of e-seminar, 24th April 2020 [PDF] | Poster exhibition | Find more pictures and press publications through this link.


  • WAD in Canada (Toronto) 2020



  • WAD in France: art studio Michel Smekens 2020

View more through this link


  • WAD in India 2020

Report | poster


  • WAD in Mexico 2020

Work by Dolores Ortiz, Coordinator of Latin America, member of the AIAP/IAA Excecutive Committee


  • WAD in Sweden 2020

In Sweden, this year, the celebration of WAD was focused on the current state of artistic freedom. Read more


  • WAD 2020 in Tahiti and in the Pacific

Documents: information | invitation [PDF] | catalogue | video | video interview BERNI | press: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 [all texts in French]


  • WAD in Venezuela 2020

Find more pictures through this link.


WAD 2019 in Europe: a campaign on exhibition remuneration for artists
After the successful symposium on exhibition remuneration in Brussels end of last year, IAA Europe launches its campaign on exhibition remuneration in Europe on World Art Day 15 April 2019 to advocate fair exhibition remuneration for visual artists all throughout Europe! #paytheartistnow;#exhibitionremuneration.

Join us and support the goal of a better and fair payment to visual artists all throughout Europe for the exhibition of their artworks! All initiatives are welcome!

Find on the website of IAA Europe,


  • WAD in France 2019

Download the invitation | press files [PDF].


  • WAD in India 2019

Download the report | press | poster | Find more pictures through this link.


  • WAD in Madagascar 2019

Download the program | Find more pictures from Madagascar through this link


  • WAD Tétouan/Fès, Morocco 2019

Download poster | catalogue | press | Find more pictures from Tétouan through this link | Find more pictures from Fès through this link.


  • WAD in Mexico 2019

Find more pictures through this link.

Watch this video about WAD Mexico 2019:



  • WAD in Turkey 2019

Find more pictures through this link.


Read the 2018 WAD message from the President here.


  • WAD in Belgium 2018

In the Framework of his exhibition 'De couleurs en partage' the artist (France-The Netherlands) Michel Smekens organized a public performance for the 2018 WAD:

This action was federeted with another artist and the vivitors were invited to draw in the space of the exhibition:

This WAD was widely shared on the social networks.


  • WAD in France 2018

The visual artist Valmigot (CNFAP) organized at the Library 'Le Carré des Mots' an event whith the collaboration of the lyric singer Virginie Pape (Les musiques de la vie. Ed Odile Jacob) an event which gave a tribute to several artistic expressions. This initiative was an opportunity to gather artists coming from various specialities, artists who could exchange about various matters during this WAD celebration.

Find more pictures on large format through this link.


Association ARTAREL, Saint-Benoît

Download flyer [PDF] | Press files [PDF] | Find more pictures on large format through this link.


  • WAD in India 2018

In India, the UNIVART FOUNDATION OF ART & ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH ( celebrated WAD in the Brandel Centre, with Mr. Manaj Saha, who explained the participants that Leonardo da Vinci is considered as a symbol of freedom of expression, multiculturalism, tolerance, world peace and, of course, a visionary in the world of arts and other fields.

Find more pictures on large format through this link.


  • WAD in Japan 2018

The Japan Artists Association (JAA, Japanese National Committee of the IAA) divides Japan into nine regions, and the person in charge of each region leads efforts to create and execute various programs for JAA members as well as for the general public. World Art Day (WAD) events were held in the Kinki region in April and the Hokkaido region in July. The following is a report of those events.

Kinki Region
On April 14, at Oji Zoo in Kobe, a Children’s Sketching Day was held for the purpose of getting children to learn the joy of drawing pictures. Almost 50 children joined the event and enjoyed spending half the day sketching pictures of whatever they wished. That evening, Kan Irie, who is an oil painter and Chairman of the Japanese National Committee of the IAA, gave a talk called 'World Art Day and the Power of Art' on the creation and history of the IAA. The talk also addressed the significance of WAD, explaining how it was established to spread the power of art in the world and strengthen a sense of solidarity among artists. (Around 120 people in attendance)

Hokkaido region
On July 27, a lecture event titled 'Tadayoshi Nakabayashi on the World of Printmaking' was held in Sapporo. The central lecture of the event was given by printmaker and Executive Director of the JAA Tadayoshi Nakabayashi and titled 'The Prints of Dürer that Travelled to the East'. In it, Mr. Nakabayashi spoke about the roles that prints have played. He also talked about the background of the publishing last year of the Health and Safety for Artists Handbook, the editorial committee of which he chaired. (Around 70 people in attendance) Note: The Health and Safety for Artists Handbook is a practical collection of important points to help artists engage in creative activities in good environments for creating, and was put together by artists themselves.

Find more pictures on large format through this link.


  • WAD in Morocco 2018

View catalogue | dossier WAD | press | Association Bayti | find more pictures on large format through this link.


  • WAD in Puerto Rico 2018

This year, the main activity of the NC of Puerto Rico was to work with the Downs Syndrom Foundation of Puerto Rico.

flyer | find more pictures on large format through this link.


  • WAD in Slovakia 2018

This year, the Slovak NC particularly focused on two points: international cooperation and information/education for young students / young artists. The NC organized a show (Dialogues) in collaboration with the French NC, CNFAP, by receiving 30 French artists and 10 Slovak artists. Thus, the 'Junior Design Fest competition and exhibition' gathered applied art studients, as well as design schools from Central European countries like Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Austria, and Slovenia. Awards given to the best artworks concluded the show. Another exhibition of Young graphist artists still studying their master degree was proposed, which attracted a great Young audience, studients, teachers, and people from academic circles.

Thanks to Pavol Kral, the President of the Slovak NC, this 2018 WAD was concentrated on communication/ information for young studients and young artists. Pavol Kral organized a lecture for the studients from the Design Department of Technological University of Bratislava which was focused on social and legal issues. Some other conférences were given on the same essential matters by the NC President to art and design studients in order to inform them:

- about what they can expect if they decide to work as artists;
- about economic and social realities of the artistic career;
- about the main problems they will have to face;
- about what could be and should be done for a better position of the artists in society.

Dialógy 2018, exhibition of Slovenská výtvarná únia (SVU), Fakulta Architektúry STU of Bratislava and Conseil National Français des Arts Plastiques (CNFAP) in Galéria Umelka in Bratislava. Find pictures on the Facebookpage of the National Committee of Slovakia (SVU) through this link.


  • WAD in Sweden 2018

This year, the IAA Swedish National Committee arranged a talk with politicians dealing in culture politic, working both for the govnerment and for the opposition. The debate was focused on:

- what did they made and what they didn't made?
- the threats of the visual artists
- artistic freedom

The main goal was to make the politicians aware that the artists, in spite of their culture, earn a bit more than half of the general income for the other citizens. 2018 being in Sweden an election year, WAD was the opportunity to point out political questions like:

- how should art be made available throughout the country?
- how to create good conditions for producing the artistic content?
- how can art and culture could be given space in urban planning?


Cast: Per Olson Fridh (MP), Secretary of State for Culture, Alice Ban Kuhnke, Olof Lavesson (M) Culture Policy spokesperson and chair in the Parliament Culture Committee, Vasikili Tsouplaki (V), cultural spokesman, Christer Nylander (L) Group Leaser Liberals in Parliament, Anna Soderback, Director of the authority Arts Grants.

Moderators: Peter Johansonn, artist and Swedish IAA member; Katarina Jönsonn Norling, artist, Artists Organization; Sanna Svedenstedt Carboo, craftsmen, artist, Artists Organization.

The talks concluded with art cake and a coffee. The artists Iryna Hauska and Ana Bondzic from the 'project art to participate' made sketches for this year's art cake baked by the Chocolate Factory.


  • WAD in Morocco, 2017: Rabat, Middle Atlas, General Consulate of Morocco in Pontoise, France

This year, the celebration of WAD in Morocco was particularly intense. The Association 'Articultures', committed to diabetic children, and spearheading the status of the Artists in Morocco, proposed several events which were reported by the National TV (Channel RTM and 2M), the national radio (Channel Inter, in live), as well as several daily newspapers and magazines of the written and web press like Aujourd’hui, Le Matin, et Hespress. Watch this overview of press publications [PDF].

The show which was organized by Mr Rachid Benabdellah, and which took place at the Auto Hall, in Rabat, with the collaboration of the Free Syndicate for Visual Artists in Morocco, as well as with the Association 'Articultures', the participation of 50 painters, groups of Musicians and singers like the very talented Nasr MEGRI and Cheb ABDEL, has been the subject of a catalogue which is available by clicking on the following link: catalogue WAD.

At the same time, an exhibition of Contemporary Art took place in 'La Ferme des Arts', near Rabat, which welcomed artists and art lovers. Prices and certificates were given under the Presidency and by Mrs Fatema Binet Ouakka, in the gardens of 'La Ferme des Arts', before the end of the show and in front of about 50 persons.

The Association, working in very tight collaboration with the Association 'Al Badil', Rabat, allowed diabetic children to celebrate WAD too.

All the drawings made in Rabat were shown in the General Consulate of the Kingdom of Morocco, Pontoise, France, Mrs Binet Ouakka having organized a WAD celebration for the children of the employees of the Consulate.

In the Middle Atlas, the 'Maison de la Fille Rurale' (House for the Country Girl), in Ras Taboula, Middle Atlas, also welcome the WAD celebration that Mrs Binet ouakka and Mr Benabdellah organized and animated in the presence of the local authorities.

Finally, in June, Mrs Binet Ouakka organized and animated workshops at Her Highness Lalla Asmae’s Foundation for children and deaf children. Those children already expressed their whish to be associated to this thought about Peace already undertaken with other children in Morocco. This item, defended and implemented within UNESCO by the Official partners NGOs, AIAP included, helped these children to espress themselves in a high colored artistic language, to demonstrate solidarity, synergy and communion in the action quite beyond words and disability.

The Association 'Les Chemins du Maroc' has organised an exhibition in Tangier, photos of this event are on the Facebook page of the IAA World.

Find more pictures on large format through this link.


  • WAD in Morocco, 2017

Find more pictures on large format through this link.


  • WAD in Turkey, 2017

Find more pictures on large format through this link.


  • WAD UNESCO Childrens Club 2016

Click here for the programm. Find more pictures on large format through this link.


  • WAD in Geneva, Switzerland, UN Office, by CNFAP France

On April 15th, birthday of Leonardo da Vinci and date chosen by IAA to celebrate the World Art Day, CNFAP (Conseil National Français des Arts Plastiques) organized the opening of the 'Dialogs with Nations' exhibition, at the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland. The exhibition included 54 artworks (paintings, drawings, etchings, photo pictures and installations) of French artists, members of CNFAP.

Michael Moller, Managing Director of the UN Office in Geneva and Ambassador Elisabeth Laurin, permanent representative of France, together with several international organizations participated to the opening. Ana Sartori, President of CNFAP, introduced the goals and activities of IAA, in particular the promoting of the dialogue between civilizations.

From April 15th to April 26th the exhibition had a very large number of visitors and benefited from the numerous international conferences held in the UN building during this period of time, promoting WAD among a large and diversified public.

Find more pictures on large format through this link.


  • WAD in Los Angeles, USA, 2016

Click here for the brochure. Find more pictures on large format through this link. Watch an interview with IAA-World president Bedri Baykam here or below.

World Art Day LA - Interview with President from Image People on Vimeo.

  • WAD in Morocco, 2016

The General Consulate of Morocco in Paris celebrated the Word Art Day by invitating the artist Fatima Binet Ouakka. This event was presented in the whole written press in Morocco (Le Matin, Libération, Express, Maghreb Emergent, Atlas Info) as well as on the web (, Yabiladi).

To read the article dedicated to this event, please click on:


  • WAD in Turkey, 2016

Invitated by the town of Corlu, the French-Turkish painter Asilva organized a joint 2016 celebration of WAD workshops for children and the exhibition 'The Children of the World draw for Peace'.

Find more pictures on large format through this link.


In 2015, the International Dance Council will celebrate the WAD with IAA, the International Dance Day taking place on April 29th. So, the visual artists and the dancers are invited to prepare common projects for April 2015. Please find more information on the World Art Day-website and Facebook.


  • WAD in Armenia 2015

Find more pictures on large format through this link.


  • WAD in France 2015

Read more about WAD at the Collège Hélène Boucher through this link [PDF] and WAD at the Collège Paul Verlaine des Mureaux through this link [PDF].


  • WAD 2015 in Haiti

Thanks to the collaboration between IAA AIAP and the Association '', WAD was celebrated in 3 orphanages and one school in Haïti:

- Saptille Orphanage, Pacot
- Marry Mother Orphanage, Thomassin
- Orphelinat Foyer Divin, Villiard
- Ecole Pierre Maurice, Delmas

Learn more about the Association '' by clicking on this link

Find more pictures on large format through this link.


  • WAD 2015 in Indonesia


  • WAD 2015 in Japan

On the afternoon of April 30th a panel discussion was held under the theme of 'Leonardo da Vinci and Me' at the auditorium of the National Museum of Western Art. This time we had the artists below from such fields as Japanese style painting, oil painting, wood block printing and sculpture as panelists and had them talk about how they ran into Leonardo da Vinci and what influence was brought by da Vinci to their activities as artists. And then Mr. Shinsuke Watanabe, the chief researcher of the National Museum of Western Art, touched upon an overall summary. The number of participants was 80.

Panelists: Japanese style painter, Mr. Reiichi Hiramatsu; oil painting artist, Ms. Yoko Makoshi, wood block artist, Ryoji Ikeda; sculptor, Mr. Yuichi Yonebayashi.

Find more pictures on large format through this link [PDF].


  • WAD 2015 in Macedonia

On April 15, 2015 on the occasion of World Art Day was realized art workshop and exhibition - 'Art without borders' for all children who want to exhibit their artwork in the gallery of the Association NEOART in Skopje event. In the event was exhibited works of young artists (2 - 18 year age) from all over Macedonia. The exhibition was opened 14 days for visitors. Please find some pictures on the link: Art without borders, and video on the link: WAD in The Art Room - NEOART. Read more about NEOART through this link.


  • WAD 2015 in Madagascar

Thanks to Gabrielle Charles Rabijaona, artist and art visual teacher, and under her supervision, the Ankadilanara – Antanarivo101 High School celebrated WAD for the first time. The pupils worked on the arts in Indian Ocean and in Madagascar, making researches, pictures, painting, photomontages, cuttings up, and assemblings.

Find more pictures on large format through this link.


  • WAD in Morocco 2015

Find the report through this link [PDF].

Find more pictures on large format through this link.

World Art Day 2015, Fatema BINET OUAKKA, activities in France and Morocco during the month of April 2015 through this link [PDF, French].


  • WAD UNESCO Childrens Club 2015

IAA World in Paris organised a WAD for Children and their parents with the IDC (International Dance Council) in the Unesco premises, from April 15 to April 28th.

Downloads [PDF]: Program (French)

Find more pictures on large format through this link.


  • WAD in Slovakia 2015

Find the report through this link [PDF].

Find more pictures on large format through this link.


  • WAD in South-Africa 2015

The theme of the exhibition was 'Funky Functional – World Art Day – 15 April 2015'. Twenty local artists participated. The event also included a 'happening' - A make-up artist presented a show where she did body-art as part of the exhibition. The idea was to celebrate the visual arts in various ways and media.

Downloads [PDF]: invitation Hanna Jacobs | invitation Gran Cavallo | press 1 | press


Find more pictures on large format through this link.


  • WAD in the United States 2015



In 2014, 21 countries celebrated the WAD: Turkey, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, Argentine, Costa Rica, Panama, Puerto Rico, Sweden, Norway, France, Slovakia, Austria, Italy, Cyprus, Japan, South Africa, Mauritius, USA (Chicago), India (Assam). Mexico proposed 600 activities during the whole month of April and the WAD was supported by the Government.


  • WAD in Costa Rica 2014, view the flyer [JPEG]


  • WAD in France 2014, read the report, page 1 | page 2 [PDF]



  • WAD in Peru, 2014


  • WAD in India (Assam) 2014, read the report [PDF]


  • WAD in Costa Rica 2013, read the report with many full-color pictures [PDF]



  • WAD in Mexico 2013, read the report [PDF]


  • WAD in Sweden 2012, read the report [PDF]


World Art Day
Cultitudes 6263