A World Observatory

2030 Agenda. Culture and Sustainable Goals. UNESCO defines its orientations on the role and importance of Culture and Arts under the link: www.unesco.org/en/g20/culture

During its October 27, 1980, General Conference, hold in Belgrade, UNESCO adopted the 'Recommendations on the Condition of the Artist'. Those Recommendations were presented by IAA AIAP at the Organization.

This text – which is essential for the artists – is registered on the following link:

32 years after, at the end of 2012, IAA AIAP Europe launched through all the National Committees a new inquiry on 'The condition of the Professional artists now'. The results of this inquiry will be submitted to UNESCO.

The questionnaire and the analysis, as well as suggestions to bring, are available near by the President of Europe, Mr. Werner Schaub, through Mr. Thomas Weis, executive secretary: art@igbk.de.

The UNESCO World Observatory on the Condition of the Artist website is one of the most important tool of analysis and of comparison existing in the world. It gives information regarding employment and protection, social dialogue, social benefits and taxes worldwide.

This website does point out the different realities regarding the working and existing conditions of the artists around the world, and, consequently, the efforts to make for ameliorating those conditions.

All the information is available on the website:

More, is awakening a new international comment which takes in consideration the economic condition of the artist, and proposes concrete solutions in order to help for a better economic integration. In France, regarding this topic, several books were published at the end of 2012 that give valuable advices to the artists. Website: www.cnfap-artsplastiques.org.

Defending the artists' rights
Shipment of the works