International Association of Art, IAA/AIAP, is an NGO (a non-governmental
organisation) working in official partnership with UNESCO, with
the consultative status, comprising artists belonging essentially
to the fields of painting, sculpture, printmakers, and artists
practising other forms of creative work in the visual arts.
objectives of the Association are to stimulate international
cooperation among the artists of all countries, nations or peoples,
and to improve the economic and social position of artists in
the national and international levels, as well as to defend
their material and moral rights.
IAA/AIAP structure looks like UNESCO. It allows and facilitates
all kind of working condition of arts and professionnal artists
comparison through meetings, seminars, and exhibitions into
a peaceful ideal, tolerance and sharing attitude. IAA/AIAP discuss
and prepares proposals transferred to members' states. In 2012,
a huge international enquiry on the today condition of the artists
was launched which will allow to actualise the 'World Observatory
on the Condition of the Artist'.
the field, IAA/AIAP actively participates to the UNESCO programs
through Arts Education for children facing violence, underpriviledged
populations or living far from educational centers, in schools
and community homes without Arts Education, as well as in specialised
medical centers.
is campaigning to have Arts Education recognised as one of the
Human Rights, and introduced to the National Constitutions.