Incheon Art Festival, Korea.
Invitation to participate, deadline 1 March 2023. Please, find
all the information and application forms here: 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6.
for a non violent culture of Peace'. Exhibition and Round
table. January 12, 2023. 1 PM Serbia. Novi Sad. Organized by the
Foundation 'Matica Mira'. AIAP National Committee of Serbia. Read
more: flyer
| exhibition.
from Belarus
political prisoners and artists is one of the most crucial
aspects of our work. To draw attention to these individuals and
raise money to help their families, from time to time we organize
charity auctions. In October we put up for auction the work by
the artist Rufina Bazlova. An embroidered portrait of the artist
— political prisoner Ales Pushkin, who is in prison on false
charges of rehabilitating Nazism and inciting hostility, became
the lot. According to the decision of its new owner, this work
of contemporary art will become one of the exhibits of the Free
Belarus Museum." Read more through this link.
Germany, will organise an online international conference about
artists' residencies, 'On AIRISM -challenges and transitions',
November 10/11th, 2021. More information and registration through
this link.
every year, the Italian Committee of AIAP IAA
organizes an exhibition at the Campana dei Caduti Foundation,
Italy. Dedicated to the defense of Human Rights, it will be held
from June to October 2021. You will find the registration form
with all the instructions through this link.
Cyprus Chamber of fine arts will organise an international conference
about 'Dysfunctionalities in contemporary art | in times
of conflict', an Open Call for Speakers. Deadline Paper
Submission: 13 February 2021. More information click here
international project, called 'Hello World',
is organized by the NGO Transcultural Exchange, that
proposes all the artists to submit their artworks to share with
everybody. Read more here.
Convoca (IAA Chile) calls for artists for an Arte Postal
project, deadline 6 April 2020. Find all details here.
IAA/AIAP UNESCO Official Partner opens the selection for the International
Contemporary Art Exhibition 'HUMAN RIGHTS? The Future's
Shape' #Women CanSaveTheWorld, curated by Roberto Ronca,
June to 4th October 2020. Participation is free. It's open to
all artistic expressions. You can download the regulations and
the participation form here
AIAP/IAA National Comittee of Italy is calling for artists for
an exhibition on Climate and Human Rights, to
be hold in Italy from September 7nd 2019 to December 31st 2019.
Please find more information, regulations and application form
through this link.
World President of IAA Bedri Baykam was invited to China-Beijing
for giving one of the opening speeches of the 13th China
Beijing International Cultural & Creative Industry Expo,
on October 24, 2018. Read
more [PDF]| photos.
France. A new place of Refuge for artists. A new place
of 1000 m2 was inaugurated on September 22nd, 2017, in Paris.
This place was left by a private Association taking care of people
living in the street: Emmaûs Solidarity. The mission of
this place is to help the artists in all their administrative
steps and artistic projects. 19 rooms ( 15 workshops and 4 shared
workshops and common rooms) will be at the disposal of the artists.
This now official workshop , helped by the City of Paris and the
Ministry of Culture, will organize free exhibitions, concerts,
etc. with the participation of French Regional Institutions and
artists. Address: 102 rue des Poissonniers. 75018 Paris. Read
more: 1
| 2.
for artists. The next Beijing Bienal will take
place from August 26,2019 to September 23, 2019, the theme being
'A colored world and a shared future'. You will find following
the presentation of this event with the regulations,
form, work
International Sarajevo Winter Festival is a traditional
cultural and artistic event taking place in the capital of Bosnia
and Herzegovina. XXXV SWF 2019 will be held under the motto 'Noise
and Fury' It represent an encounter of artists from all over the
world. The International Peace Centre Sarajevo is the organizer
of the Festival. The programme consisting of the Theatre plays,
Concerts, Movies, Fine Arts Exhibitions, Panel Discussions, Literary
Events, Architecture, Video, Programmes presenting cultural heritage
and Children Programmes will be presented within the next edition
of the Festival. Read
Turkey a joint international project is initiated by the Nazim
Hikmet Foundation, PEN Turkey and UPSD, that will invite children
to create paintings related to peace on the popular poem of the
Turkish Poet Nazim Hikmet (1902-1963), 'Kiz Çocugu'
- 'The Little Girl'. It is a poem against war. We would
like to invite the children of the world to read it and express
their feelings and thoughts by drawing, painting. Deadline: 1
June 2018. Read
for artists: Montenegro, September 2018, International
Biennal of Fine Art 'Nude'. Deadline: July 10th, 2018.
| application
the framework of the celebration of the end of World War I, a
group of NGOs, all official partners of Unesco, proposes the professional
artists and the scholars to actively participate to this event
around the theme 'Drones and robots at the service of
Peace'. This event will be linked to the 70th anniversary
of the Human Rights Declaration in September 2018. All the details
by clicking here
[PDF] Arabic
National Committee of Italy, AIAPI, will organize the 70th anniversary
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This is a call for artists. More information:
President of IAA World will hold a Conference
at UNESCO on May 23rd, 2018. Download the invitation
International Ceramics Festival of Incheon,
South Korea, will be held from April 27 to May 6, 2018. See official
letter | institutions
program |
information for artists
can participate in the '8th Artist’s Books Triennial
Vilnius 2018', a project organised to promote artist’s
books and creators of artist’s books from all over the world.
This event is organised periodically since 1997 and will travel
to Vilnius (Lithuania), Leipzig, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Rheine
(Germany), Lille (France), Silkeborg (Denmark), Venice and Vercelli
(Italy), Seoul (South Korea), Halmstad (Sweden) and Salzburg (Austria).
Extended Deadline: 19th of December, 2017. Read
more [PDF]
and Architecture/ A competition, proposal for visual
artists to participate to a Competition open in Germany by the
Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning, read more through
this link.
our National Committee in Italy, is organizing the new edition
of Contemporary Visions 8 VideoArt in LOOP, 15
till 30 November 2017, with artists from all over the world. Deadline
proposals: 20 October 2017. Participation is free. Also, any kind
of place open to the public having a screen to project the video,
can become part of this great event. Participation is free. Fill
inn the form on the website before 13 November 2017. More info: and
2nd International Installation Art Festival 2017, Paphos, November
2017, is an art Festival in Cyprus. Invitation
for the artists [PDF]
(International Cities of Refuge Network for writers and visual
artists) organizes a conference from May 31 till June
2nd, 2017, in Lillehammer, Norway. Please find here the presentation
of the ICORN work and the application
form. ICORN website:
pictures of the art-eco-festival in Suncheon,
organized by the IAA-National Committee of South-Korea, through
this link.
NC of China is pleased to invite
artists worldwide to participate in the 2017 Beijing Biennale.
Please, click here for the registration
IAA-National Committee of China, CAA, invites
artists from all over the world to participate in the
'China in the eyes of world' artists exhibition, see
the registration
form and application
World Youth Alliance invites young visual artists and art lovers
to participate in the European Arts Forum by
submitting their pieces of art through their online application
form. Read also: project
description, draft
program, poster,
Visions 8 VideoArt in LOOP involves video art
in a project shared simultaneously in different parts of the world,
from 1 to 15 June 2017 and from 1 to 15 October 2017. Read more
in the press
release. Watch the promo
the framework of the 29th edition of the Visual Art Festival
of Mahres, Tunisia, an important meeting for IAA/ Arab
countries was organized around the topic 'States of play and Perspectives',
July 2016. Read more
Korean National Committee is preparing an art eco-festival
in Suncheon. Dates: November 18th till December 18th,
2016. Artists are invited to show in Suncheon. For information,
please, click here:
Work Plan.
of the worldwide videoproject 'Contemporary
visions/Videoart in loop', organized by the Italian IAA-Committee,
AIAPI, on Facebook.
4 November 2016, IGBK of Germany will organize a workshop
'Social Security and Mobility of visual artists in Europe',
at the Haus der Kulturverbände in Berlin. For more information,
click here:
Italian IAA-Committee, AIAPI, proposes artists to participate
in a worldwide videoproject called: 'Contemporary visions/Videoart
in loop'. Read
National Committee of Bulgaria invites the artists worldwide to
participate to the 8th Bienal of Pleven 2016,
Bulgaria. Please, click here
to read the statutes and the application form.
here to view new pictures of
activity organised by our French National Committee in Solliès
for Art, Together for Peace, the children undertake'
at 'Voisins le Bretonnaux', click here
to read more.
new photos of World Art Day 2016 through this