Defending the artists' rights

Newsletter November 2023
Read this Newsletter here

Newsletter December 2019
Read this Newsletter here

Unesco survey 2018/2019
The working condition of the artists.
The complete text of this global survey is available through the link: congresses

Newsletter June 2019 about the status of the artists in Europe, from the Coalition for Cultural Diversity
Read this Newsletter here


Recommendations and publication of Unesco about the artists at risk, May 2023

Read more about this publication through this link.


Costa Rica 2020. Bill submitted to the Legislative Assembly

In order to face the consequences of the Covid 19 crisis on the economic and social life of artists and actors in the cultural life of Costa Rica, cultural associations and a collective of artists have addressed to the Legislative Assembly, the Minister of Youth and Culture, as well as to the President of the Republic, a bill aiming at the protection of heritage, artists, and actors of the cultural life.

You will find these texts by clicking here: 1 | 2 | 3 [PDF] and here (Spanish version).


Freedom and creativity: defending art, defending diversity. By Laurence Cuny, 2020, 43 pages.
Download the book here:


Copyright on Internet in Europe

After almost three years of political battle, the European Parliament approved on March 26 the European copyright reform which provides for new rules on copyright on the Internet. This text, highly anticipated by the media and the world of culture, aims to ensure that copyright rights and obligations also apply to the digital sphere. MEPs adopted the directive in plenary by 348 votes to 274 with 36 abstentions.

In a press release published on the IFCCD website, the European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (ECCD) warmly welcome the adoption of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market by the European Parliament.

Read more: Press release | Text of the law.


UNESCO and Artistic Freedom

Read this brochure: page 1 | page 2 | page 3 | page 4 | page 5 | page 6


1°/ The UNESCO universal Copyright Convention

"Committed to promoting copyright protection since its early days, (the Universal Copyright Convention was adopted under UNESCO’s aegis in 1952), UNESCO has over time grows concerned with ensuring general respect for copyright in all fields of creation…"

UNESCO has several tools which are presented at the following address: themes/creativity/creative-industries/copyright

2° / The specialized societies

ADAGP is the French collective rights management in the field of visual arts: painting,
sculpture, photography, multimedia, etc. It represents almost 100 000 authors.

ADAGP proposes a very complete and precise website regarding:

  • Using works
  • Resale rights
  • Collective rights
  • Practical information
  • Intellectual property law
  • Legal precedents

The website also proposes:

  • image bank
  • directory of artists
  • request for authorization
  • the ADAGP contacts
  • a forum

ADAGP is represented in about 46 countries, the coordinates per country with the corresponding websites being available from the button ‘Sister Societies’.
Cf also Newsletter N° 1 and 2.

Another society, the SAIF, also defends the artists’ rights.
Link: www.saif/fr/spip

3°/ Bibliography

Defending the artists' rights
Shipment of the works