Human rights

Celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 2018, Italy

In the framework of the IX Forum of the NGOs in official partnership with Unesco which was hold in Tunis in September 2018, the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights was celebrated with Mr President of the Arab Institute for Human Rights, and Mr President of the National Committee for Human Rights of Qatar. Every year, the Italian National Committee of IAA organizes a show devoted to an article of the Declaration at the Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti, Revereto. In 2018, the right to Education was treated by worldwide artists invited by the Italian Committee. The archives of the previous exhibitions are available on the link: Find more pictures through this link:


Celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 2018, Costa Rica

The National Committee of Costa Rica celebrated the anniversary of the Universal Hunan Rights Declaration by organizing an exhibition illustrating the articles of the Declaration, and which will be shown again in December, in front of the National Theatre in San José. View catalogue [Spanish, PDF]


The Italian National Committee (AIAPI) organizes every year an exhibition devoted to the 'Human Rights Arts' at the Fondazione Campana dei Caduti Rovereto. Images of the works are available on the AIAPI website,, as well as on their Facebook page:


In 2013, the National Committee of Costa Rica organised an exhibition on the Human Rights.
Please, see the catalogue,
with many full-color pictures [PDF].


South Africa. Art for Human Rights

One of the SANAVA's affiliated organisations, Art for Humanity, is particularly working on Human Rights at the Durban University, Province of KwaZulu-Natal.

Of particular interest would be the project in terms of which a number of specific visual artists are linked in partneship with individual projects to create artworks addressing clauses in the SA National Constitution dealing with Human Rights.

The project, covering the broad theme of the arts, human rights and democracy, to which artists and poets are responding? addresses clauses such as equality (art.9), human dignity (art.10), life (art.11), freedomand security of the person, slavery, servitude and forced labour (art.13),privacy (art. 14), freedom of religion, belief and opinion (art.15), freedom of expression (art. 16),assembly, demonstration, picket and petition (art. 17), freedom of association (art. 18), political rights (art. 19), citizenship (art.20), freedom of movement and residence (art.21), freedom of trade, occupation and profession (art. 22), labour relations (art.23), environment (art.24), property (art.25), housing (art.26), health care, food, water and social security (art.27), children (art.28), education (art.29), lenguage and culture (art. 30), cultural, religious and linguistic communities ( art. 31), access to information (art.32), just administrative action ( art.33), access to courts (art.34), arrested, detained and accused persons (art.35).

Read the August newsletter of Art for Humanity here [PDF].

Children violence
Parkinson disease
Alzheimer disease
Autist children
Building peace
Africa Week
Environment and climate
Visual Disabilities
IAA and DYS children
Open Science