How do we collaborate with UNESCO?

IAA/AIAP, according its origins and its aims, very naturally takes place into a bringing together frame with the artistic world and its networks. This helps IAA/AIAP to answer the UNESCO priorities regarding the protection and the promotion of the cultural expressions and diversities. The Association collaborates with the Organization in order to promote its educational ambitions and solidarity through culture and creativity which are efficient means for an universal communication.

So, any mobilization of the artists, any initiative in the artistic field able to reinforce some cohesion inside the societies is welcome. The Organization proposes several programs allowing, both in the educational and cultural field, to definite and to propose activities able to contribute to the development of creativity in various forms.

The corollary of this being, in each country, the respect of the artists’ role, as definited by the UNESCO in its Recommendations on the status of the artist.

Many UNESCO programs are able to be accompanied by the IAA/AIAP artists, whatever being the forms this action takes, like, for instance:

The World Women’s Day, March 8th. Link:

World Water Day, March 22nd. Link:

The Arts Education Week, last week of May. Links:

In this framework was initiated in 2011, by the Mexican National Committee, a 'Murals’ program', in collaboration with the UNESCO schools , spread out to orphans in social difficult situation who live in studios for children, as well as to private schools. Today, several countries of Latin America do participate to this program.

The World Day for the Cultural Diversity, Dialogue and Development, May 21st. Links:

United Nations Program for the dialogue and the development, 2001:

Convention on the protection and the promotion of cultural expressions, 2005:

World Environment Day, June 5th.

International Day of Peace, September 21st.

Human Rights Day, December 10th.

The Artist’s Condition
At the end of 2012 IAA/AIAP launched – in the framework of the World Observatory on the Condition of the Artist – a new questionnaire about: 'Professional artist today'.

With an enquiry about the artist and the freedom of expression, the result of those enquiries being expected for the end of 2013.

In 1980, IAA/AIAP already submitted to UNESCO a serial of recommendations which were voted during the Belgrade Conference. More than twenty years after, given the economic and financial crisis, it is time to have new analysis on the artists’ situation.

The questionnaires are available in the National Committees.

IAA/AIAP Initiatives
All inter-governmental programs can be opportunities to organize exchanges and confrontations too: 2012 France-South Africa Season. (See Newsletters N° 1 and N° 2), exchanges between China and South Africa in 2012.

The Bienale of Drawing Tilsen (Czech Republic) takes place in Autumn every year:

The 'Cultitudes' concept was initiated in Sweden in 2012, and is going to be applied worldwide in 2013 and after. This concept aims to increase cooperation in latitudes and longitudes, through new technologies, with artists, art projects, Institutions, and creative industries. Cf:

The World Art Day: see next chapter

Exchanges of artists and works, through exhibitions for instance, or conferences and debates, are organized regularly by the National Committees with artists coming from a same continent : The Baltic Sea. Northern Europe, in 2012. South Africa welcomed several exhibitions dedicated to Chinese Art in 2012 as well as African artists from sub-saharian countries.

Working groups about different topics:

  • Art and freedom of expression
  • The role of art in economic crisis
  • Art and the environment
  • Art as an agent for change
  • Art as a contributor to society
  • Power structures in the Art World

The most varying initiatives, coming from the artists’ community, were listed by Unesco after receiving the quadriennal periodic reports, under the title 'A selection of innovating examples'. Those actions for the civil society take place as well through the measures and the cultural policies decided in collaboration with the governments, Unesco, and the artists, than through activities for sensitive areas, the international cooperation, the particular help to bring to no industrialized countries, the integration of cultural and artistic policies in the sustainable development, and the involvement of the civil society.

All those examples are available on the link:

Every National Committee is free to present its own project in order to make concrete the UNESCO Conventions.