Cartas del Presidente


Queridos Presidentes de los Comites Nacionales,
Queridos Amigos y Colegas,

Que pena el que tengamos que preparar los eventos del 10 año de la celebración oficial del Día Mundial del Arte, (declarádo DMA en 2011, en Guadalajara México, el cual se empezo a celebrar en 2012) en medio de esta cruel guerra.

Sobra decir, que estamos en medio de esta terrible invasión de Rusia y de la gran resistencia del Pueblo de Ucrania, no podremos celebrarlo con la alegría de siempre, con arte danza y canto como si fuese normal. Pero desde otro punto de vista, creemos en la solidaridad del arte y su poder de sanación, nosotros, la AIAP/IAA y nuestros colegas de todas partes del mundo estamos "mano en mano/corazón en corazón" con Ukrania y nuestros compañeros artistas.

Como ustedes saben, confiamos en el arte el cual sobrevive aún en los momentos y dias mas oscuros, como ha sido simbolizado por la actitud de la banda de Wallace Hartley, durante su actuación hasta el último minuto en la noche en que se hundio el Titanic el 15 de abril de 1915, sabemos muy bien "que el show debe continuar" como ha sucedido aún en los momentos mas oscuros de la historia.

Como deben recordar desde 2020, la Asociación de Artistas Turcos UPSD ha cambiado el nombre de los Reconocimientos al Arte por "Día Mundial del Arte, Reconocimientos Wallace Hartley" para recordar el compromiso del arte en todos los tiempos siendo este el portador mágico con su noble creencia.

Por esto, me permito sugerir a sus comites, miembros y amigos que "por supuesto debemos de recordar y celebrar el Día Mundial del Arte, con empatia hacia nuestros colegas de Ukrania, y en todos nuestras actividades y discursos rindamos tributo y respeto a todos ellos en completa solidaridad y comprensión, esperando que la Paz llegue a Ukrania HOY- AHORA."

Por último me gustaría compartir información de la UPSD, Asociación de Arte Turca, sobre este tema.

Este año, hemos decidido congelar nuestros reconocimientos nacionales en el area de arte y otorgarlos a Ukrania.
Hemos selecionado tres reconocimientos; los premios se prepararan para ser entregados el 15 de abril en Kiev. Estos premios son:

-"Para el pueblo heróico de Ukrania y al comandante en jefe del ejercito ukraniano, Zelensky, por su resistencia y valor, nuestros mas profundos sentimientos de admiración y solidaridad, con la certeza de que Ukrania superará estos días terribles, alcanzando horizontes claros así como un mañana de paz."

-"Con la creencia que el arte debe ser continuo en tiempos de guerra y paz, porque este llevará a las siguientes generaciones a un mundo de paz, de los artistas turcos y su organización profesional UPSD a su joven colega Nickita Tsoy, con sentimientos de paz, hermandad, y solidaridad."

-"De frente a la terrible guerra que Ukrania y su querido pueblo estan pasando, con empatía al arte y a nuestros colegas de Ukrania por el desastre que han experimentado, con nuestra mas sincera solidaridad y afectuosos deseos al presidente del Instituto de Investigación de Arte Moderno de la Academia Nacional de Artes de Ukrania, Victor Sydorenko y a través de el al todos los artistas ukranianos."

Solo queremos compartir con ustedes.

Estamos seguros que usted y sus colegas tambien organizaran actividades, conferencias, discursos, paneles de discusión durante los eventos del DMA haciendo notar su solidaridad con sus mejores palabras y sentimientos.

Creemos en el arte, y tambien nuestra solidaridad universal por siempre AIAP/IAA.

Con mis mejores deseos así como sentimientos mas profundos.

(PD. Ademas de los paneles de discusión, que en Turquía estamos preparando para DMA, queremos informarles que llevaremos un evento internacional por zoom con AIAP/IAA y artistas ukranianos, el 15 de abril, 2022. Entre las 5 - 7 pm horario turco, 2 -5pm tiempo de Londres. Esperamos lo puedan publicitar y participar para de este modo transmitir sus sentimientos y los de su país sobre este tema, durante este tragico momento de la história. Esperemos nunca volver a tener un DMA en estas circunstancias.)

Bedri Baykam

World President
IAA -Official partner of UNESCO




El Día Mundial del Arte es una celebración internacional de las bellas artes, que fue declarado por la Asociación Internacional de Arte (AIAP / IAA), un socio oficial de la UNESCO, para promover la conciencia de la actividad creativa en todo el mundo. En 2011, durante la 17ª Asamblea General en Guadalajara / México, Bedri Baykam, como Presidente de la Asociación de Artistas Turcos (UPSD), presentó una propuesta en nombre de Turquía para celebrar el 15 de abril, el cumpleaños de Leonardo da Vinci, como 'Día Mundial del Arte'. Fue aceptado por unanimidad.

La propuesta fue firmada por los delegados mundiales el día de la presentación, 4 de abril de 2011: Rosa Maria Burillo Velasco (México), Anne Pourny (Francia), Liu Dawei (China-Ex Presidente), Christos Symeonides (Chipre), Anders Liden (Suecia), Kan Irie (Japón), Pavol Kral (Eslovaquia), Dev Chooramun (Mauricio), Hilde Rognskog (Noruega). Las primeras celebraciones del Día Mundial del Arte se celebraron el 15 de abril de 2012. Como símbolo de paz mundial, libertad de expresión, tolerancia y hermandad, da Vinci es también un testimonio de la influencia de las bellas artes en otros campos.

Después de 8 años de intensas celebraciones en todo el mundo de comunidades artísticas y países muy diferentes, Baykam, quien había sido elegida entonces Presidenta Mundial de AIAP / IAA (2015), solicitó a la Directora General de la UNESCO, la Sra. Azoulay, que convirtiera el Día Mundial del Arte en uno de las Jornadas Internacionales de la UNESCO. Después de que México y Turquía presentaron la propuesta a la Agenda de la Junta Ejecutiva, que la aceptó por unanimidad en abril de 2019, la Conferencia General de la UNESCO ratificó por unanimidad en noviembre de 2019, la decisión tomada en la Reunión de la Junta en la primavera. ¡Desde entonces, el 15 de abril se ha convertido oficialmente en el Día Mundial del Arte, como uno de los Días Internacionales de la UNESCO, para todo el mundo!

Este éxito pertenece ante todo a todos los miembros de AIAP / IAA en todo el mundo que han contribuido tan generosamente al proyecto del Día Mundial del Arte desde ese primer día en Guadalajara, hace nueve años ... En este año importante y desafortunado cuando se suponía que debíamos celebrar por primera vez el Día Mundial del Arte oficialmente en todo el mundo, si este coronavirus no hubiera intervenido, debemos celebrar el Día Mundial del Arte en línea a través de las redes sociales. Con el espíritu universal del Día Mundial del Arte de la solidaridad de los artistas, debemos agregar fortaleza, confianza y creencia al mundo, desde nuestra perspectiva.

UPSD, la Asociación de Artistas Turcos ha estado entregando 'Premios del Día Mundial del Arte' desde 2012, el comienzo de las celebraciones, en diferentes categorías de las artes. 'Artista del año, Artista emergente del año, Artista profesional del año, Art Media Professional del año, institución de arte del año'. UPSD ha tomado la decisión de que a partir de este año, los premios se llamarán 'World Art Day-Wallace Hartley & Band Awards', para vincular para siempre este espíritu decidido de las artes escénicas hasta el último segundo de la vida, que hemos visto en las últimas dos horas históricas de Wallace Hartley Band.

Todo el mundo sabe que el desafortunado transatlántico Titanic se hundió en 1912 en el Océano Atlántico de camino a Nueva York, en una fría noche de primavera. Además, casi todo el mundo sabe que la orquesta de esta enorme línea transatlántica siguió tocando música durante las dos horas y 40 minutos después de que Titanic golpeó el iceberg hasta que se hundió. Esta fue la actuación artística más decisiva y la decisión mostrada por cualquier grupo de artistas en la historia del arte. Sabían que estaban a punto de morir; el pánico los rodeaba con personas que gritaban, lloraban, se pasaban unos sobre otros, sin embargo, todo lo que hizo la banda fue realizar su profesión creativa hasta el último momento, seguir tocando su última canción muy probablemente 'Nearest my God to Thee'. Había un total de ocho músicos en la Wallace Hartley Band, y su comportamiento fue un coraje y una devoción ejemplares al arte y a su profesión que se muestran en el momento más desesperado que uno puede encontrar en la vida.

En otras palabras, eran la 'versión de la vida' más ejemplar de la línea artística más famosa del mundo, 'el espectáculo debe continuar'. Esta banda de 8 músicos que pasó por uno de los finales más extraños de una legendaria última misión, ahora descansa tranquilamente en el cielo de las artes: además de Wallace Hartley, John Frederick Preston Clarke, Georges Alexandre Krins, John 'Jock' Law Hume, Roger Marie Bricoux, Percy Cornelius Taylor, W. Theodore Ronald Brailey y John Wesley Woodward son los otros nombres de la banda. Tenemos que aceptar que nadie puede igualar la actuación de Wallace Hartley Band, sin importar qué campo, ningún otro artista o intérprete pueda afirmar que sea un rival en ese nivel de determinación. El cuerpo de Wallace Hartley fue encontrado muerto en el océano por los barcos y su caja de música todavía estaba atada a su cuerpo. Más de 40,000 personas asistieron a su funeral en su ciudad natal Colne Lancashire en Inglaterra y su busto fue erigido para su memoria.

Además de este ejemplo inolvidable de llevar bellamente en la historia, esta línea mágica 'el espectáculo debe continuar' (no importa qué guerra, no importa qué tipo de mala situación, no importa el nivel de la crisis económica, no importa su salud o vida personal crisis'), hay una segunda razón con respecto a por qué vincular la historia de Wallace Hartley Band con el Día Mundial del Arte: este desastroso hundimiento del Titanic, así como esta inolvidable presentación musical final, también se vivió el 15 de abril, en el cumpleaños de Leonardo da Vinci y en la futura fecha del Día Mundial del Arte. Puedes verlo como una coincidencia, como el destino o tienes derecho a permanecer en silencio ...

Entonces, Wallace Hartley y su banda nos están dando una gran inspiración para superar estos tiempos oscuros que atravesamos hoy en día, a través de la pasión y la energía que aportan al arte. Esta historia única, servirá como un ejemplo robusto para la futura generación de artistas ...

El Día Mundial del Arte, los Premios Wallace Hartley serán en vivo a través de Instagram desde la cuenta de Bedri Baykam

¡Feliz día mundial del arte!

Bedri Baykam
AIAP/IAA World President



Dear National Committees, dear artist friends,

Fortunately, I am writing this e-mail to you in the very dramatic conditions that you know so well and that you are going through as well. As you know well, the coronavirus has invaded our lives and the world's health, economy, as well as everybody's plans in the world. We are like in the midst of a Hollywood thriller horror movie! Don't need to explain you the quarantines, the canceled flights all over the world and the raising death toll. Nobody knows how long this situation will last. Some say any few months, some say August or September … The unexpected attack of the virus on our planet's life has had two immediate consequences for us, AIAP/IAA:

THE FIRST ONE IS REGARDING WORLD ART DAY CELEBRATIONS about which I had written to you few weeks ago. As we know we will not be able to do open celebrations, any panel discussions, any conferences, any art show, any happening, any music performance in the street, for this first official International UNESCO Day celebration of World Art Day... Needless to explain why. So, here is what we will do: we will each/all prepare all social medias and online celebration posts that we will start spreading three days before April 15 and that will last five days, 12-17. Overall with a concentration of posts by hopefully each one of us on April 15 that should reach a world peak. We will kindly ask you to make all those preparations long before to have ready postings. As you know, from example, Ibrahim Spahic, from Bosnia Herzegovinia has communicated to us their project « Art communication and only/isolation »: « It enables artists to share from now until WAD their short documentary films, videos, performances, dance and ballet steps, as well as messages of wisdom, love, compassion and solidarity with everyone facing isolation. This is a typical joint project that serves all parties, artists, art lovers, that have been shared by all of you. »

ALSO PLEASE DO NOT FORGET: I kindly asked you all of you to send us potential documents, photos, and archive materials for a book we are preparing regarding the nine years old history of World Art Day. Please, send those to us in the next 10 days to:
Thanks so much.

THE SECOND ONE IS REGARDING OUR WORLD GENERAL ASSEMBLY that we were hoping to schedule for June 2020, this year. Again, we don't need to tell each other why this is not possible any longer with all the long distances flights in the midst of this world traveling which has become impossible due to the closed borders/frontiers, canceled airline flights and new restrictions coming every day. So, we will follow closely all those developments and use hoping to be able to prepare a General Assembly earliest in fall of 2020. (We must be able to tell you for sure and concretely at least three months ahead of detailed datas about the General Assembly, the exact days, location, hotels, and everything. So, if in June, the world is over that crisis then we will be able to schedule that sine die, hoping for this coming fall, if not, we will only be able to hope for the best and wait some more, until due time).

Nevertheless, to allow the Presidency and the Secretariat to prepare this General Assembly, I kindly ask you to mail us, before May 15 (deadline) your activity report, (preferably year per year, if you can) for 2015-2020. This report should present a special attachment devoted to all the activities you organized for the UNESCO priorities: Condition of the Artist, climate, water, Human Rights, women, sustainable development, health, peace, etc.

We hope that soon black days will be over my dear friends.


Send you the best wishes of our World Executive Committee and we ask you insistently to be very careful for all the health requirements to fight against the virus, no handshakes, no crowed places, but keep your moral and spirit high! Please, obey to all health disciplines that WHO (World Health Organization) or your Ministry to Health will be asking from you. Let's stay home or just move safely between your home and the studio/work place, let's trust each other that we'll overcome this drama as well, by our common good sense and understanding. Because before anybody and most of everything, we, artists, know that « the show must go on », we will be very careful without ever losing our creative spirit and positive thinking.

All our best and sincere regards to all of you, with all our solidarity to you fellows’ artists and your dear families.

AIAP/IAA World President



Dear National Committees,

Although I am sure you already did your best preparations, I still want to remind you about this coming World Art Day. This will be our first year of official celebration after UNESCO has declared April 15th, World Art Day as one of the Unesco World Days.

So, in order to be successful, we advise you to talk to museums officials, to municipalities, to Ministry of Culture bureaucrates, to foundations, to UNESCO representing officials within your country, and every other person or institution that you might think as relevant. Also, it will be a good idea to prepare activities in many different levels, with kids, with universities, with NGOs, with young galleries. Also please, don't forget also the option to cooperate with other creators like writers, filmmakers, dancers, musicians, poets. It is very important also that the press be made aware of the concrete declaration of World Art Day as well as its past story which is already 9 years old, embedded in the history of AIAP/IAA.

Please, also don't neglect the idea of documenting each one of your activities. Our website will need all those datas more than any other year ! So, please, also ask professional photographers and filmmakers you can.
Please, don't forget to send us all your plans, achievements, images...

Yes, we need all these forms because we are planning to prepare a book about the official launching of WAD.
Since it is always safer to double check, we will kindly ask you to send to this mail address, all past photos/ PDFs/ news about all your past WAD celebrations, since 2012, to:

Soon, you will be hearing from us about the general Assembly, in June 2020. That will be all for now. Look forward to meet you all at the GA.

Prepare a great World Art Day and enjoy it tremendously. Best wishes to you for a beautiful spring...

Bedri Baykam

World President
AIAP/IAA, Official partner of UNESCO



Dear National Committees, dear fellow artists and art lover friends,

On behalf of our World Executive Committee and myself, I would like to express all my best wishes to each of you and your friends, a very happy World Art Day!

May art enlighten most of your moments, help you in all your difficult moments, also most important of all, may art help overcome all prejudices around the world, all racisms, all wars, with the solidarity and friendship it creates among nations and people of the earth!

We want to kindly ask you not to forget to send to each to the addresses below, as soon as possible, all your activities programs photographs videos and other notes regarding everything you scheduled for today or this week:

We want to be enriched by your accounts of your activities, your stories, your ideas, your slogans!
Let’s please never forget that our communication and solidarity is our most important strength and wealth In this world where artists find themselves often neglected in very many countries...
We believe it’s our duty to change the world for the better of our future generations!

And the last but not the least,
We wish a happy birthday to Leonardo da Vinci for 2019 that marks the 500th year of his passage to infinity. His versatile brain working in so many different directions and dimensions will always remain an inspiration source and example for all of us today and tomorrow!

May art be your most friendly and effective weapon in life, in this world!

With all our best wishes

Bedri Baykam

World President
IAA -Official partner of UNESCO


Día Mundial del Arte 2018, mensaje del Presidente

Estimados miembros del Comité Nacional IAA, amigos artistas y Amantes del arte de todo el mundo,

¡Aquí estamos nuevamente en esos hermosos días de primavera que son ahora el eterno anfitrión de nuestro Día Mundial del Arte, 15 de abril! La vida no fluye fácilmente en estos tiempos, en diferentes partes del mundo. Desafortunadamente, más y más tensiones de guerra nos rodean en varias zonas fronterizas. El terror, los asesinatos, las amenazas, las bombas o los enfrentamientos, las polémicas, nos atormentan y entran en nuestras vidas de forma regular. Ver las noticias se convierte en una carga en muchos países.

El arte es nuestro refugio, nuestro punto de encuentro para luchar contra todos estos problemas deprimentes. Como dije recientemente en Puerto Rico, en una conferencia que impartí en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 'El arte es nuestro arma pacifista'. Solo tenemos nuestros pinceles, poemas, palabras, aerosoles, ideas, tintas, historias, lógica y retórica para traer la paz universal a este mundo agotador. Y no queremos, sus armas y ejércitos y amenazas nucleares. ¡Esta vida es demasiado importante como para desperdiciarla con esas vergonzosas herramientas de agresión!

No queremos que el mundo huela dolor y sangre; queremos que el mundo huela arte, huela pintura, huela verde ... El Día Mundial del Arte es nuestro hijo común. Tiene una hermosa ingenuidad y exige una hermandad / hermandad mundial en todo el mundo a través del arte. Por favor envíenos toda la información sobre sus actividades del Día Mundial del Arte, envíenos su programa, sus festividades, sus fotos, sus publicaciones, estaremos más que felices de colocarlos en nuestras redes sociales y sitio web.

Como el Comité Ejecutivo Mundial de IAA y para mí, te felicitamos sinceramente por WAD 2018 y te deseamos la mejor salud, éxito, felicidad y libertad con toda nuestra solidaridad.

Bedri Baykam
Presidente Mundial
IAA-Socio oficial de la UNESCO



Dear National Committees,

I hope that this letter finds all of you in great spirit and good health will in these days that are taking us closer and closer to Spring. I wish that also all of you had great artistic plans to I wanted to remind you few things that will be on our agenda during April 2017.

WAD 2017:
I have to confess that this year my own activities as well as the one of the Turkish Committee will be limited due to the fact in Turkey we have a very dangerous referendum coming precisely on April 16th. For those of you that don’t know, on that date, the referendum will ask to Turks if they say 'yes' or 'no' to the question 'do you agree to leave all the powers within the country to one single man? Do you agree that he should decide on the fate of the whole country?' In other words, just because we have to struggle this year in Turkey about such a crazy danger, I cannot go out of the country again to Monaco, or Los Angeles, or Florence or Paris… I have to stay here in Turkey in democratic struggle, in full solidarity with my artist and writer friends, with the people of Turkey...

But that does not prevent me from explaining again to you, what kind of activities you can arrange… I had already mentioned that you could arrange interesting shows, or happenings, street art/music events with museums, galleries as well as municipalities. You can ask all galleries and art institutions to carry the WAD logo on their invitations, catalogs or press bulletins, websites… You can ask municipalities to invite artists either on the 15th of April precisely, or one evening in one of the nights of the WAD week. It can be a dinner or a cocktail, or a cocktail during an art happening. Also, you can select as the National Committee of your country:

The honorary awards:

  • Artist of the Year;
  • Emerging Artist of the Year;
  • Art Professional of the Year (among non-artists);
  • Art Press Professional of the Year (Writer-critic-editor-in Chief);
  • Art Related Association/Foundation/Cultural Center/Museum of the Year.

So you should have a commemorative plate ready for the winners of the year in your country, a plate carrying also the WAD logo and your National Committees and the IAA’s logo. Thus the power structure in your country, will feel honored to have been 'decorated' by the artists of the country within an international organization and a worldwide-celebrated event.

SHOWS: If for some ideas you are late for this year, it doesn’t matter, you can do it next year this means you are very early for this year! The shows can be about:

  • Young art/under 35;
  • Art from art academicians and teachers from all universities;
  • Art from Fine arts high schools/ teachers and their students;
  • Children art;
  • AND/OR OF COURSE: ANY MAJOR Artist, or art movements or conceptually curated various shows.

SPEECHES IN SCHOOLS OR MUSEUMS/ART CENTERS: Visiting, kindergartens, schools, high schools and universities, OR MUSEUMS and art centers, giving celebration speeches, talks about Leonardo’s multi faceted, multi disciplinary art life, or general talks about the revolutionary spirit of modern and contemporary art worlds.

VISITS TO PRISONS: Or children prisons or rehabilitation centers are a good target for visiting and introducing friendship, solidarity and brotherhood of the power of art in the kindest way to people in need of warmth.

ART BOOK SALES POINTS IN THE STREETS ON THE WAD WEEK END: Is something we have experienced and done in major streets with a good success and turnover. Museum bookstores and art or general bookstores thus have been able to reach audiences that normally don’t go to bookstores.

STREET CONCERTS/HAPPENINGS: Of course one of the best possible ways is to cooperate with Municipalities for larger events including street festivals/happenings/dances/rock or classical music concerts etc

OTHER IDEAS: Dear friends, we trust you and we know that you can come up with great innovative ideas that you will want to share with us and the whole world. Please think and inform your us, there will always be the next better idea!

WHATVER YOU DO, PLEASE DOCUMENT IT! Take photos films; place them on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, any social media with #worldartday #worldartday17 #aiap #iaa AND SEND THEM PLEASE TO US. So that we can place them on our websites and spread internationally the information, grow the universal awareness. Please send all materials, links, images, pictures, films to and

Look forward to hear from all of you, wishing you all our best in this coming spring, which I hope, will be beautiful!

Bedri Baykam
World President
IAA -Official partner of UNESCO



Dear IAA artists from all over the World,
Dear friends and colleagues,
As we are ending a very tormented year again, I am addressing you from a part of the world that is unfortunately under constant turmoil or terrorist attacks. This was not the world we had expected in the 21st century, and we have to face this sad dramatic truth, which is hitting us everyday. Not just the near or the Middle East, but also so many different areas of the world are going through heavy dramas and a re suffering losses. We remember intensely the last 18 months where Paris, Nice, Brussels, Istanbul, Ankara, Berlin, Diyarbakir, USA hit by waves of attacks, while in the middle-east Syria and especially Haleppo have been almost totally devastated. The problems of the refugees are becoming major and primary concerns for every human being or country that carries a heart. These are definitely issues we have to talk about, discuss in depth and eventually raise projects around.
In those unfortunate moments of tension and grief we must still look to the future with hope and solidarity. We must believe that art and creativity will really help keeping the flame of humanity alive: the show must go on...
We have had an intense year here at the President's Office, with important travelings done to several places of the globe, the USA where in Los Angeles and Mexico City World Art Day has been celebrated in very wide organizations, Tunisia where we met with several North African and Arab countries artists and art associations, and finally Korea where we had an international art festival at Suncheon with IAA artists as well as Korean colleagues. It was a very successful meeting. We thank you for all your collaborations...

There is one last thing I must remind you with your permission: We are four months ahead of World Art Day. We will stay in touch on this issue also of course. But please make a note that you should already plan your timing to find sponsors for shows or celebration dinners, you should prepare exhibitions, spread the use of the logo in the galleries and museums for April 2017, prepare panel discussions, events, children activities etc. I advise you to organize a much broader committee of WAD organization and not just your NC.
All the members of our Executive Committee, Anne Pourny, Marta Mabel Perez, Franklyn King Glover, CHO Hang-Hoong, Pavol Kral, Dolores Ortiz, Maria Moroz, Ryoji Ikeda, Katarina Jönsson Norling, Christos Symeonides and myself, we wish you all a merry xmas and a very happy new year, far better than 2016!
We have to hope still for the best, even if the language of the clouds has been telling us something different!
With best wishes, hugs and solidarity! 

Bedri Baykam

World President
IAA -Official partner of UNESCO



Dear friends and Colleagues,

I hope you are all starting to boil with energy in our Northern hemisphere as spring is coming in. As you know well, spring has had another meaning for us in the last 5 years: April 15 has been celebrated as World Art Day since 2011. As IAA, we had unanimously accepted the proposal of Turkey in Guadalajara to celebrate the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci as World Art Day (WAD).

As I had reminded you in President’s letter no.4 about WAD, this year we will celebrate it with a greater enthusiasm.
The whole world should find out about WAD little by little, so that the importance and value attached to art.
WAD aims to prove the solidarity and brotherhood among artists for freedom of speech, democracy and artist’s rights, all together simultaneously during the week of WAD.

I kindly would like to ask you two special favors: The first one, please celebrate each others World Art Day, as densely as you would celebrate new year or Christmas; on that day, World Art Day must become trend topic and people who would not know what is WAD, on that day should become extremely curious and should try to find out what these three letters mean together. So please remind all your artist friends to use WAD and World Art Day logo and hashtags (#WorldArtDay #WorldArtDay'16 #WAD #WAD'16) everywhere in the social media, websites, banners etc. Of course they are also welcome to have real banners handy, if they want to place 'happy World Art Day' as banners & posters in front of their house and studio. It goes for you and me!

Number two, please inform us from all over the world, about all the activities you do about WAD! May it be happenings, or conferences, or exhibitions, or installations, please send us all the best photos you can take from those them on our main we will place them on Facebook thanks to Öykü…
By doing so we will stay in tune with each other and we will be more and more happy to discover thanks to all of us that the weight and exposure of IAA is spreading fast in our planet.
This year during the WAD week, I will be the first in Los Angeles where the Downtown Art Walk is preparing several events for celebrating WAD. They are doing such a great job that we hope it will serve as an example for all the galleries around the world, besides our artists associations.

After staying in LA during April 9-14, I will be in Mexico City where I will celebrate WAD together with our Mexican Association ARTAC members and our dear ex-president Rosa Maria Burillo Velasco at the Jose Luis Cuevas Museum in Mexico City, during April 15-17. I will return to Istanbul after few days in SFO and participate to few last events of the Turkish WAD.

So, dear National Committees, dear friends and colleagues,
I am looking forward to hear from you all, receive all the good news from our 'hot' April day coming soon… One last thing though: Don’t let anybody ruin your expectations and feelings when bombs are exploding on the surface of our planet. Don’t forget that the show must go on at any price! Without that line, the terrorists of the world would achieve much more damage to the thinking zone of the world…

With all my best regards and love to all of you.


Bedri Baykam | Turkey
World President
IAA/AIAP – Official partner of UNESCO


Cartas del Presidente -4: Día Mundial del Arte, leer aqui [PDF]


Conferencia de prensa sobre Ashraf Fayadh, 7 de Diciembre 2015

Bedri Baykam, Presidente Mundial de la IAA/AIAP, ONG asociada a la UNESCO. Ofrecio el dia de hoy una conferencia de prensa en el Centro de Arte Piramid Sanat, en Estambul, Turquia. Sobre el poeta y artista Ashraf Fayadh, quien ha sido sentenciado a muerte en Arabia Saudita. Participaron: El presidente en Turquia de la AICA Evrim Altug; Ataol Behramoglu y Orham Aydin, portavoces de Iniciativa de Artistas; Halol Ibrahim Ozcam, representante turco de Pen; el representante del sindicato de escritores, Aba Müslüm Celik; Inan Dagdelem, representante de Sodev; Erhan Yazicioglu, representante de actores de teatro; Jennifer Clement, Presidente de Pen Internacional, quien envio un comunicado de solidaridad a la IAA y a las asociaciones de artistas y escritores turcos.


Cartas del Presidente -3

Dear friends and colleagues from all over the world,

Now it has been 45 days since our GA was held in Pilsen, Czech Republic. We are already in the intense art season in these last weeks of 2015.

Few weeks ago, I came together with our webteam, to work on a new page design and we hope to finalize this soon. We took some nice decisions and this new page might bring you a more clear and transparent vision about what’s happening in the IAA World.

Meanwhile, talking about our website, we must remind you that the most difficult issue, is not to open a website, but it’s to keep that site alive with a constant flux of news images. So we kindly ask you to do your best in sending us your best selection of photos together with the most interesting and relevant news… Those might be issues of artistic, social clash, any censorship give links to each country’s own website.

As you know also, our main concern now is to save the life of Ashraf Fayadh who is an artist writer condemned to death in Saudi Arabia. We have already sent you a statement with an open call for action to the world’s art community. Please keep this issue as your centre of attention until Fayadh is freed! Please vote actively to save his life through this link (you can find this link and support him in our Facebook page):

Our other concern is to make the best possible use of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Ms. Oyku Eras, who is the General Assistant of the President’s office in Istanbul, will do her best to moderate the IAA social media. She has already sent you a detailed email about that. Her e-mail is . As you know, she is also conducting our new Facebook page:

Send her your exhibition or life comments, news, studio or artworks as well as any joke or travel suggestions. You can follow me Twitter too, in order to keep short news and dialogue alive, as free as birds would do it!

Although I have a personal twitter account have over 182.000 followers, which you are welcome to follow if you want, we will open a fresh account for our mutual shares, starting from point 0. The other one is my ongoing dialogue mostly with Turks! So you are welcome to follow our new twitter account @IaaWorld and start our dialogue and retweet our shares.

My 'President’s letter number 4' will be about WAD next week.

Wishing you all the best,

Bedri Baykam
World President
IAA/AIAP – Official partner of UNESCO


Carta de la Asociación Internacional de Arte,
IAA/AIAP - ong asociada a la UNESCO,
a la comunidad mundial de arte

This is an open letter to the world’s art community for asking their solidarity about Ashraf Fayadh, the Saudi born Palestinian writer, artist and curator whom a Saudi Court has sentenced to death on November 17, 2015.

Fayadh has been accused first of insulting religion or preaching atheism in 2013. When in 2014 he was arrested, police failed to prove his atheist propaganda, he was then being berated for 'smoking and having long hair'. Although Fayadh told the court about his innocence concerning the accusations of atheism and his attachment to God, the pressure of the religious police on the Saudi court has been effective. He was even accused of 'having had relationships with women' although he explained that the women were artist friends and photos on his phone, some of which were posted on Instagram, were taken during Jeddah art week (Saudi Arabia’s most important contemporary art event).

Please sign the petition here below, to show your solidarity with Ashraf Fayadh in order to stop his execution and free him.

We also ask the world press to place a growing pressure upon this crucial subject in order to raise the consciousness of the general public opinion in every country. It is precisely a matter of 'life or death' to give open support to Ashraf Fayadh in this extremely urgent and important matter. We hope to receive your contribution as soon as possible. Also please send us your remarks and contributions to IAA Facebook page:


Bedri Baykam
World President
IAA/AIAP – Official partner of UNESCO

Anne Pourny | France Vice President
Marta Mabel Perez | Puerto Rico Treasurer
Franklyn King Glover | Ghana Africa Coordinator
CHO Hang-Hoong | Korea Asia Coordinator
Pavol Kral | Slovakia Europe Coordinator
Dolores Ortiz | Mexico Latin America Coordinator
Maria Moroz | Poland
Ryoji Ikeda | Japan
Katarina Jönsson Norling | Sweden
Christos Symeonides | Cyprus


Discurso del presidente en la reunión regional de Latinoamerica y el Caribe en Costa Rica,
19 de Noviembre 2015,
leer aqui [PDF]


Carta del presidente sobre los ataques en Paris, Noviembre 2015

Dear friends and colleagues,

It’s with great shock and sadness that we have received the news of the random street massacres in Paris. Our pain is endless and we are looking forward to hear from Anne Pourny, our Vice-President of IAA/AIAP that none of our members are hurt. On the other hand, even that would never be a consolation to us since every citizen of the world is our sister or brother.

Unfortunately all the ethnic or religious fundamentalist terrorist groups are more dangerous than one another. The world instead of seeing the technological space era in the 2000’s has seen the middle Ages.

Fundamentalist terrorism should never become a shield for saving a field of action for terrorists. The right to live, the democratic right to chose one’s own life style, the right to express one’s self in artistic or written form, are, as untouchable as the religious citizens religious rights.

We send our warmest and deepest feeling of solidarity and sympathy to all France and we send our condolences to all the families of the lost ones from whichever country they might be… We share their extreme agony and sadness. Of course, the same goes for all the families that have been the target of ISIS and all other terrorist groups in Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey or Iraq.

IAA/AIAP as usual will do its outmost in order to try to help the atmosphere of peace to come back after this catastrophic turmoil in the capital of France.

Hoping to have better subjects to discuss in the near future,

Your sincerely,

Bedri Baykam
World President
IAA/AIAP – Official partner of UNESCO


Cartas del Presidente, Octubre 2015, leer aqui [PDF]

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